
Feb 28, 2011

Judgment Day Sourcebook

Above and in the following, sketches and page layouts by Chris Sprouse for Judgment Day Sourcebook (Awesome Entertainment), the 6 page prequel story to Judgment Day, published in 1997. Enjoy!

Feb 19, 2011

Alan Moore World header

Hey folks, as you can see, the blog has a new header! It has been created by multi-talented Italian comics artist Daniele Tomasi. Daniele is a long-time friend of mine and so... a smoky "thank you, Daniele" for your great contribution! 
Daniele is also the owner of DTE, "the smallest publishing house in the world", as he likes to say. He is a creator, writer, penciler, inker, letterer, colorist and publisher. A real Renaissance man!
If you can't read Italian go here to take a look at Tomasi's storyboard based on James Cameron's script for a Spider-Man movie that never happened.

Above you can see the pencils and, in the following, the inks that Tomasi did for the header.
From left to right: Alan Moore, Tom Strong, Ginda Bojeffries, Dr. Manhattan, Promethea, V, D.R. and Quinch, William Gull, Capitain Nemo.