
Apr 29, 2013

V in Bergamo

Art by Fabiano Ambu.
Above, a great commission drawn by Italian comics artist Fabiano Ambu featuring V standing on the background of Bergamo city.

Apr 14, 2013

AM Portrait: Charlie Adlard and The League

Art by Charlie Adlard
From page 187 of the sold-out Alan Moore: Portrait of an Extraordinary Gentleman tribute book (Abiogenesis Press, 2003).

Above, you can admire a great illustration featuring The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen portrayed by the amazing CHARLIE ADLARD, since 2004 the regular artist on the worldwide hit The Walking Dead.

The illustration has been posted on this blog with the author's permission. 
For more info about ADLARD visit his site: here.

Apr 12, 2013

The Italian Nemo (Enhanced Edition)

This May Bao Publishing is going to publish the Italian edition of Nemo: Heart of Ice, translated as Nemo: Cuore di Ghiaccio
"In order to enhance the pulpy/art nouveau/Verne novel feel of Nemo, our Italian edition will sport raised UV coating, to give a 3-D feel to the area that surrounds the image.", declared Michele Foschini, Bao's Chief Creative Officer. 

I think... it's a really classy Italian touch!

Apr 2, 2013

Marvelman vs Big Ben

Art by Chris Weston
Above you can admire a marvellous "Marvelman vs Big Ben" commission conceived and drawn by the amazing Chris Weston. Posted on this blog with the artist's permission. 

What's the difference between American and British super-heroes? The answer is: Alan Moore! I'm more of a Moore fan than a super-hero fan, to be honest. I like stories that have beginnings, middles and ends like Watchmen, rather than endless continuity where "something will happen but after a while everything will go back to the way it was before." [Chris Weston]