
Nov 27, 2018

Top 10 sketches by Gene Ha

Art by Gene Ha.
Above and below you can admire two wonderful copic marker sketch commissions of Top Ten characters (Toybox and Smax) by the incredible GENE HA done for Dutch Comic Con in Utrecht, Netherlands.
Art by Gene Ha.

Nov 25, 2018

Alan Moore by Fabio Abbreccia

Art by Fabio Abbreccia.
Above, a stunning portrait of Alan Moore by Italian artist FABIO ABBRECCIA.

More info about Abbreccia here and here. His Facebook page here.

Nov 24, 2018

Alan Moore: The Birth Caul photos

Above and below, 2 (of 4) photos from The Birth Caul (A Shamanism of Childhood), a spoken word performance which was staged at the Old County Court in Newcastle upon Tyne on 18 November 1995 with music by David J and Tim Perkins.

I found the photos on Locus+ site: you can find all of them HERE.

Nov 18, 2018

Moore 65 and... little gifts from Sardinia

Art by Manuelle Mureddu.
Best wishes to the Bearded Bard of Northampton!!! :)

And... little gifts from my Sardinian friends and talented artists: above, a iconic portrait by Manuelle Mureddu and, below, a red sketch by Nicola Testoni. Thanks to Manuelle and Nicola.

Again... TANTI AUGURI, Alan! :)
Art by Nicola Testoni.