
May 22, 2021

Brian Bolland on The Bojeffries

Below, a text published by Brian Bolland on his FB page few days ago:
There's a writer that I'm quite keen on - Alan Moore. And an artist I'm partial to - Steve Parkhouse. Together they make a combination never bettered. I loved the series back when it first came out in Warrior. This collected and added-to edition only arrived in the post today and so far I'm loving it just as much. I've never met Steve. If I ever did I'd tell him what a big fan I am of his superlative art. Littered, as it is, with a fine drizzle of ironies, scattered circumstances and serious events. If, like me, you're sick to the back teeth of men in spandex and long for stories about accountancy and rent collecting - then this comes highly recommended for you.

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