
Jun 7, 2021

Poetry, films, money and imagination

Excerpt from an interview published in The 100 Greatest Graphic Novels of All Time magazine, printed in 2016. 
Alan Moore: [...] I’d really like to write an enormous poem. Something with clout. On the scale of TS Eliot’s Waste Land, only probably nowhere near as good. I’d like to give it a try.
And I might even play around with film. On an amateurish level and it wouldn’t see the light of day, and it wouldn’t be treated as a commercial project. It would just be me having fun, playing in a new playpen, with a camera and some friends. Most of my favourite films look like they cost ten quid to make.

Alan Moore’s movies… now that would be something.
Alan Moore: I believe there’s a straightforward inverse equation that applies not just to films but lots of areas, and that is the inverse relationship of money and imagination. If you haven’t got any money then you’re going to have to use an incredible amount of imagination. Whereas if you’ve got tons of money, you’re not going to have to use any....

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