
Nov 3, 2021

Travelling, Northampton and celebrity

Excerpts from an interview published on NN Journal the 1st of November
The complete interview is available HERE.
[...] “I have got a theory,” he says “that if you travel the world and go to lots of different countries you will get to know the world broadly. However, I think you will probably have a tourist experience of all of it and it will probably be a fairly shallow experience.

“By staying in one place you get to know the world deeply, you get to know how all of the stories turned out; you get to know how people grew up and what happened to them and their children; you get to see the texture of a human town as it works its way out over decades, you get to soak up its atmosphere and I would say if you get to know one human place deeply enough you will probably have a head start on understanding all of them because, humans are not that different.”

[...] “You have to understand,” he says “that I have a probably psychotic belief that I am the town of Northampton. This has been ever since I noticed that Richard the Lionheart granted the town its charter on November 18, my birthday. So I am the town of Northampton, its living embodiment.”

[...] “I really don’t like being famous,” he says. “I’m glad I can bring some attention to Northampton and I can do the work that I do, I just wish that celebrity wasn't a part of that, because there is nothing in celebrity that I want and there’s quite a lot of things in celebrity that I really don't want.

“If there is a power gradient in any communication then it's not going to be a real communication. If people put you on a pedestal and look up to you, then you can't communicate with them. They can only worship and I’m not interested in being worshipped. You’d have to be ill wouldn't you.”

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