
Jul 4, 2024

Il Grande Quando and... first reviews

Above, cover of the Italian edition of The Great When, to be published by Fanucci the 25th of October. Basically, it will be released in conjunction with the English ed.
As you can see the cover is identical to the original edition with just a supplemental text for the Italian translation of the title. Not a big effort, imho, even if it's possibile this is not the final version. I will investigate.
Meanwhile, on the Waterstones' site you can read 3 reviews by people who had the good fortune to get an ARC. I confess I asked for an ARC too but... I received no answer! It's a cruel world, I know!
Some excerpts below:
[...] Moore completists will love it. I found it too fantastical to be effective and too effective to be fantastical. [...]
Two stars out of five

[...] What I love about it is how the Maestro Moore has created a mid-century Britain that feels alive and then peppered it with a technicolour Otherworld, as if The Wizard of Oz were taking place in 1940s London, bookended with spivs and crooks that are equal parts East End and Cthulhu. The cast is stunning, barely dipping into any of them before the book draws to close, hinting at some of the adventures to come. [...]
Five stars out of five

[...] The story is wrapped up nicely but there are plenty of hooks for the series to continue and I certainly look forward to seeing how things pan out and what the motley cast of misfits get up to next.
My only criticism is that the lengthy prologue, which is about the same length as a chapter of the book, felt quite hard to get into. Even re-reading it after finishing the novel I felt that there were sections which I didn’t understand and can only assume that these are preliminary forays into the later books of the series. If the first few pages feel totally incomprehensible don’t give up, the main story is well worth waiting for.
Just as a note of caution - this is definitely a story for adults in language, tone and content. 
Four stars out of five
You can read the reviews HERE.

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