Apr 13, 2021

How to disappear completely

Excerpt from an interview published in 2008 on Entertainment Weekly site, here.
Entertainment Weekly: San Diego Comic-Con is approaching. Have you ever attended it?

Alan Moore: No…well, I mean, I stopped going in the late ’80s. I just thought, I don’t really want to do this anymore, and I don’t really see why I am doing it. I did find it a bit overwhelming and creepy.

EW: Well, you’re a god there.

AM: And this is the last way that I want to be treated. The reason that I live in Northampton is because everyone here is kind of used to me. I mean, yeah, I do get a gratifying smattering of people coming up to me in the street and thanking me for me work, and shaking me hand and just wanting to wish me well.

EW: Although if you shaved your beard and cut your hair — no one would recognize you!

AM: No one would recognize me.

EW: Would you ever do that?

AM: No, just the laziness that has enabled my beard to get to this length is not a habit that I’m going to shake now.

EW: But it would be your greatest act of magic: ”Where did Alan Moore go!?”

AM: Well, I saw the possibility, of course. I’ve always got this option. So should I need to disappear, then, if you see a sort of bald guy with a really bad shaving rash going around somewhere, then that will probably be me, yeah.

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