Nov 30, 2021

AlanMooreVember: Squanchmen

Art by Jeaux Janovsky
Jeaux Janovsky asks me: "Who squanches the Squanchmen, smoky?"
The answer is above: a fantastic mash-up with Squanchy and Rick and Morty gang! 
Again Jeaux... you "did it!", mate!

Nov 29, 2021

Alan Moore and... the Russians!

Moore asks: "Do I look like a character from Gogol?"
Watch all the rest HERE!

Nov 26, 2021

AlanMooreVember: In Pictopia!

Art by Jeaux Janovsky
Yesterday entry by the usual suspect... Jeaux Janovsky. I love it! 
"It's based off of Quentin Tarantino's Reservoir Dogs, in particular the Michael Madsen cop torture ear scene. But mixed with Disney's Goofy and Beavis of Beavis and Butt-Head fame. 
Quite a mash-up.
Indeed, Jeaux! Well done!

Nov 25, 2021

Alan Moore by Cristian Canfailla

Art by Cristian Canfailla
Above, a lovely and intense portrait of Moore by Italian comic book artist, illustrator and storyboard artist Cristian Canfailla. I really love it!

For more info about the artist, visit his page: HERE.

Nov 24, 2021

Pog and Swampy by Shawn McManus

Above, a recent commission by the Great Shawn McManus featuring Pog and Swamp Thing, a reference to his acclaimed Swamp Thing Vol 2 n.32 issue, a fantastic and unforgettable tribute to Walt Kelly's Pogo characters.
For more info and beauty, visit McManus' site: HERE.

Nov 23, 2021

AlanMooreVember: ProMargeThea

Art by Jeaux Janovsky

Again, a fantastic and funny idea (it's AlanMooreVember's entry dated 8th of November) from the explosive mind of Jeaux Janovsky
I am sure Marge and Promethea are laughing in Idea Space, a lot!
AlanMooreVember: Instagram page at @alanmoorevember;

Nov 22, 2021

Alan Moore by Navneel De

Art by Navneel De
Above, an evocative portrait of Alan Moore by Indian artist Navneel De.

Nov 19, 2021

Neil Gaiman on a lost Bojeffries story

I've dug up this in my archives (which are bigger than Idea Space, I suspect).
Some months ago, Neil Gaiman commented on a Facebook post by Brian Bolland about The Bojeffries, here.
Gaiman wrote: "Many years ago, Alan described a Bojeffries story to me he would be writing. It was hilarious and heartbreaking. Some years later I asked about it, and he had absolutely no memory of it. Which says something about his prodigious imagination because I wouldn't have let one that good escape."

And then he added: "It was Ginda's wedding."

Nov 18, 2021

Alan Moore 68: a gift from Richard Pace

Art by Richard Pace
Today is Moore's 68th birthday! So, above a stunning portrait of The Man by Canadian comic book artist and writer RICHARD PACE. Pace has worked for all the big comics companies, for television and games. Currently, he is drawing the controversial and successful series Second Coming published by Ahoy Comics
Grazie, Richard for such a great gift! And... Happy birthday, Alan!

For more info about the artist: Instagram - Twitter - Patreon - Original Art

Alan Moore 68: a gift from Claudio Calia

Art by Claudio Calia
Today is Moore's 68th birthday! So, above a great portrait of The Man by Italian comics artist, teacher and popularizer CLAUDIO CALIA. Moore is wearing his classic hammer and sickle red t-shirt and declaiming a key passage from a past interview. The mask that Moore is holding is his hand is a reference to I Baccanti (The Bacchants), Calia's new series, and of course to V's mask.

Grazie, Claudio! Happy birthday, Alan!

For more info about Calia, visit his site HERE.

Nov 14, 2021

Nov 12, 2021

'90s Moore by Catacchio and Baldazzini

Art by Onofrio Catacchio
Few weeks ago, comic book artist and friend Onofrio Catacchio send me some scans from an old publication. It's the catalogue published in 1991 by Editori del Grifo for the 16th edition of Treviso Comics convention. The book, in Italian (of course), is titled Segni Particolari and was edited by Silvano Mezzavilla, with a great cover by Lorenzo Mattotti.
That Treviso edition was dedicated to several authors including José Munoz and Alan Moore. The catalogue's section about Moore included an excerpt from his Writing for Comics article, selected pages from his comics and 3 portraits: one by Bill Sienkiewicz and two by Italian artists Onofrio Catacchio and Roberto Baldazzini (realized for the catalogue in 1990, I guess a bit in a rush as a... last minute contribution). Note the numbers in Catacchio's version: a clear reference to Big Numbers; at the time there were rumours about an upcoming Italian ed of the now "lost" series. 
Enjoy! (Of course, I've bought a copy of the catalogue!)

Nov 10, 2021

British politics

Tom Burke in The Show
A small excerpt from an interview published few days ago on The New European, mostly focused on The Show movie. The complete piece is available HERE
Alan Moore: Our politics over the past five years have been entirely predicated on dream and illusion and nonsense. Our fundamental reality is starting to collapse under the onslaught of all this delirium.

Nov 4, 2021

AlanMooreVember 2021

Art by Jeaux Janovsky
I am pleased to share this message from artist and friend Jeaux Janovsky:
I am taking part in a friend's AlanMooreVember which is November with an Alan Moore twist! The whole month dedicated to Alan Moore, his beard, and creations.

I've included my art for Day 3 which is Maxwell the Magic Cat! Even gave him Alan's mighty beard! Haha

Also included is the AlanMooreVember 2021 prompt list. I believe there's an AlanMooreVember Instagram page at @alanmoorevember and a Facebook page at
So, take a look! And... Grazie, Jeaux! :)

Nov 3, 2021

Travelling, Northampton and celebrity

Excerpts from an interview published on NN Journal the 1st of November
The complete interview is available HERE.
[...] “I have got a theory,” he says “that if you travel the world and go to lots of different countries you will get to know the world broadly. However, I think you will probably have a tourist experience of all of it and it will probably be a fairly shallow experience.

“By staying in one place you get to know the world deeply, you get to know how all of the stories turned out; you get to know how people grew up and what happened to them and their children; you get to see the texture of a human town as it works its way out over decades, you get to soak up its atmosphere and I would say if you get to know one human place deeply enough you will probably have a head start on understanding all of them because, humans are not that different.”

[...] “You have to understand,” he says “that I have a probably psychotic belief that I am the town of Northampton. This has been ever since I noticed that Richard the Lionheart granted the town its charter on November 18, my birthday. So I am the town of Northampton, its living embodiment.”

[...] “I really don’t like being famous,” he says. “I’m glad I can bring some attention to Northampton and I can do the work that I do, I just wish that celebrity wasn't a part of that, because there is nothing in celebrity that I want and there’s quite a lot of things in celebrity that I really don't want.

“If there is a power gradient in any communication then it's not going to be a real communication. If people put you on a pedestal and look up to you, then you can't communicate with them. They can only worship and I’m not interested in being worshipped. You’d have to be ill wouldn't you.”