Apr 11, 2020

Original proposal for the ABC line

The original proposal for the ABC line. By Alan Moore.
The 6th and 7th of April, Scott Dunbier posted some Moore texts and scripts on his Twitter account. Here, here, here and here. Above, an excerpt from Moore's original proposal for ABC. 
Alan Moore: [...] The broad agenda for the line will be the manufacture of comic books to a standard of excellence and beauty in both art and writing that will make them unique in today's marketplace and more importantly, fit for tomorrow's. With the comic industry in a state of panic, fragmention and decline; with little else to lose and everything to play for, it would seem a strong, decisive move is necessary.

Rather than dwell pointlessly and inconclusively upon the many problems and negative factors that afflict the field, now is perhaps the time to play our strongest cards, those of imagination, Energy and Vision. These were, in truth, the only cards the industry was ever holding. All the rest was bluff.

The complete text has been transcribed by BleedingCool, here.

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