Mar 31, 2023

Jim Baikie and Skizz

From Jim Baikie's FB page:
Jim Baikie first met writer Alan Moore in the late 1960s at the second British comic convention. Alan was just a teenage boy with, as Alan himself put it “a bad pudding bowl haircut and a regional accent” but the two got on well and Alan didn’t forget the experience.
Years later, in 1982, Alan had been asked by 2000AD to write a script about an alien, a sort of edgy take on E.T. The character was written, but not yet created when the script landed on Jim’s doormat 600 miles away in Orkney.
The two would howl and laugh on the phone for hours as they thrashed out how each thought this new alien, named Skizz, should look.
Here are some very early sketches which grew from those conversations…. 

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