Aug 29, 2024

A walk across Northampton

Excerpts from a great video posted some months ago on Youtube by
London-based film-maker and writer John Rogers. Rogers walked across Northampton together with acclaimed writer Iain Sinclair and then they visited Alan Moore for a great chat.
A fascinating walk exploring elements of the deep history of Northampton with writer Iain Sinclair on the way to a conversation with Alan Moore, author of Jerusalem, The Watchmen, Voice of the Fire, The Great When (Long London Trilogy). Our route takes in St Peter's Church, Gold Street, All Saints Church, the Guildhall, St Andrew's Hospital, and the County Ground. The cast of characters mentioned include John Clare, William Smith, Lucia Joyce, Samuel Becket, John Deakin and more.

Presented as Unearthing Alan Moore at Swedenborg House in Bloomsbury, London.

Alan Moore: [...] The meaning and the poetry of people and places is much more real than the actual substance... I mean if you go to a place and you don't know anything about it... it's just a place, it's not it hasn't got any presence... but if you know all of these little coincidences and things

[...] it's only when you actually scratch the surface of what is popularly known that you discover this kind of seam of fossil material that is full of energy, full of fuel...

[...] I think that the past is ever with us and I think that it just becomes more noticeable when you are approaching the point where you will become the past...

Ian Sinclair: ever with us and ahead of us...
Alan Moore: and ahead of us, yeah...
Watch the complete video, HERE!

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