Sep 18, 2024

The last Beatnik artist

Alan Moore speaks about Savage Pencil to promote his Rated SavX book, released in 2020 by Strange Attractor.
From the most subterranean of underground cartoonists to full-blown daemonic visionary, here we see Savage Pencil’s horrid Lovecraftian metamorphosis in all its sublime and terrifying glory; all its ugly ecstasies. Hilarious, psychedelic, beautiful, deformed – give your nervous system a bracing dip into this lysergic acid-bath of a collection from the last Beatnik artist standing. Unmissable.
 -- Alan Moore
More info here, here, here (interview) and here (a book's review).
A picture from the 80ies (from left to right): Chris Long, SavX, Alan Moore

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