Aug 25, 2022

AI vs Moore

DALL·E: Alan-Moore anchoring Fox News with lion-headed serpent drawing.
Well, not the best Moore portrait I've seen, I confess...
On Rubik's Code they tried to recreate The Killing Joke book - well... just the first page - by using the script written by Alan Moore as prompt for Dall·E 2, an AI system that can produce images from a description in natural language.

Skipping the process steps, the final result of this experiment is... pretty rude (see below). So, Brian Bolland you have nothing to worry about these rising AIs!!!
The Killing Joke page 1 produced by DALL·E. It's just a joke!
The Killing Joke, page 1. Gorgeous art by human Maestro Brian Bolland
Rubik's Code writes: "There are two major thoughts I have here. The first one is – there will definitely be a niche of AI-generated comic books, both scripts and illustrations. My feeling is that their style will be similar, at least in the beginning. Transferring a specific style from one panel to another is going to be tricky, but that might be solved sooner than later. [...] For now, I can see this as a tool that might assist authors to visualize their scripts better, and for illustrators to shorten their work by generating some details for each panel.

The second one is [...] I can see a future where comic book author uses tools to generate script based on a few keywords (take any GPT-3, T5 or whatnot) and then use another tool to generate illustrations, like Dall-E for example. Looking even more into the future, the author itself might be made obsolete and an infinite amount of content might be created in this automatic loop."

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